Your family story
is unlike any other

Genealogy gives the double thrill of speaking not only to past generations, but to generations who follow and will continue the story with their own lives.

Your origins—your family story--is your legacy. It is the most meaningful thing you can pass on. There is not a better time, nor a better place, to share your family story.

We make it easy

With our friendly interactive platform you can download family history, add pictures, customize the format and share the results. Creating a lively, compelling family story is limited only by your imagination.

  • Free 7-day trial membership
  • Free limited membership
  • Draft a free Public Notice
  • Hosting on our secure server
  • Create family Forums and Reunions
  • Professional editorial services
  • Choose easy-to-use templates or customize your own
  • Easy importing of GEDCOM files, Excel or text
  • Get going fast with our tutorials and videos

We make it engaging

  • Animated timelines give historical context
  • Totally secure server
  • Unique, elegant graphics
  • Easy-to-follow navigation and linking
  • Destintive web page design
  • Many book publishing options