We Love Genealogy

This website is a result of that passion. This is not a research site. It's a means of framing, presenting and sharing your family's story—in a way unlike anything we have found online. In prowling around genealogy websites we found a lot of dead ends and needlessly complicated directions. We knew it could be simpler.

And we wanted it to be fun.

With the help of some friends and advisors, we created “Our Family Storybook” —a website that lets your family story unfold before your eyes.

Sharing with our family what we have discovered about our mutual relations—the odd stories as well as the proud accomplishments--has been one of the most gratifying gifts we've ever given.

We invite you to join.

Tom Lyon
Founder and Designer

P.S. We are sure you will love it too, so much so, we guarantee your money back if you don't.

  • The Storyboard Page is where you will create your interactive website, publish a book or e-book.
  • The Tutorial Page contains helpful instruction on using the Web and Book Applications through video and downloadable instructions.
  • The Membership Page is where you can signup under one of two membership options or try a
    7-day free trial!
  • Our Shop Page offers a variety of merchandise for a planned family reunion or personal use.
  • Use the Storytime Page to share your experiences with a community of your peers, exchange ideas and plan a family reunion with family members.
  • We also offer professional Custom Services to enhance your family history through engaging copy unique graphics and programming.